Thursday 6 February 2014

Existing Album Covers

These covers are all from artists whose genres are much like my own.

This album cover is very simple however, very effective. The bold red really exaggerates the bands name and I like how the band members image have been manipulated by styling females to look like them, showing the quirkiness of the band. The dark hue used shows the sound of the music to be alternative and grungy much like the denim jackets the girls are styled in.


The simplicity of the  cover shows the bands success and works very well, it highlights the new sound through the sound waves used. I like the monochrome design as its very professional looking and easily eye catching. I would however, like to use a picture on mine.
The art-pop vibe really shows the bands image and their edgy style. I like how there is burst of colours and random objects placed that make the band image like their music. The band have all been portrayed by cartoon characters which I believe is very effective in showing how the music will sound and also bringing colour to the cover.

I really like the style of this cover as it takes the audience back to the 1950's with the mise-scene-used showing iconography such as an old cinema which the audience can see as being 1950's. This is reinforced by the silhouettes of the models and the clear 50's do' styled on the women. I like how the cover is in a sepia tone and how the album title is capitalised and in italics.

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